We know that Cold Sores can be painful and the resulting Herpetic Lesion can affect your self-confidence. At Canterra Dental, we are pleased to offer our patients the Denmat Sol Diode Laser to effectively treat their Cold Sore issues.
Cold sores are often referred to as fever blisters. As such, they clump together in small groups of blisters on and around the lip and mouth. The cause of these cold sores is the herpes simplex virus. Typically the herpes simplex virus enters the body either through a small break in the skin or directly from around or inside the mouth. The virus can then be spread from person to person when someone touches a cold sore or comes in contact with the infected fluid. This can occur from sharing food utensils, razors, or simply through kissing or touching that person’s saliva. Usually, a parent who has a cold sore spreads the virus infection to their child in this way.